In cooperation with specialists of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, at the variety research site of FruTech LLC in the Vinnytsia region. the traditional annual assessment of new promising varieties of blue honeysuckle (haskap) was carried out.

Unfortunately, the spring weather condition in the current season was not entirely favorable for this crop – the cold weather and prolonged rains during the flowering period did not provide an opportunity to ensure high-quality pollination for most varieties.

However, despite all the troubles, we have a kind of a record!

The officially registered yield of honeysuckle in open ground is an average of 6.24 kg per plant (in the photo, there are 11 pannets with fruits collected from one plant, only one of the pannet is on the scales)!
The yield was harvested from the field planted in 2018 with one-year old plants (therefore, the full age of the plants is six years), the planting scheme is 2.50 x 1.00 m (4,000 plants per hectare), the pomological variety is Boreal Beauty. The fruits were collected and were weighed from 5 plants planted in a row in a row.

This means that the yield of this crop per hectare could be 25 tons of berries!

The fruit of the Boreal Beauty variety also traditionally holds the first place in terms of berry weight (in 2023, the maximum recorded weight of one berry is 8.0 g!)